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LOGO AGRA | AG Rechnerarchitektur

Group of Computer Architecture / AGRA | Computer Science | Faculty 03 | University of Bremen

Sana Hassan Imam, M.Sc.

My research activity includes real-time data acquisition, data management, and data processing for dynamic processes by applying machine learning techniques in conjunction with formal techniques. In the end, my work aims at automating the entire flow by predicting the most beneficial set of parameters for such a dynamic process in soft real-time.

Research Staff

+49 421 218-63954

MZH 4220


A Novel Default Risk Prediction and Feature Importance Analysis Technique for Marketplace Lending using Machine Learning
Author: Sana Hassan Imam, Sebastian Huhn, Lars Hornuf, Rolf Drechsler
Jorunal: Journal of Credit and Capital Markets
Details: DOI: 10.3790/ccm.56.1.27, Vol. 56 (2023), Iss. 1 : pp. 27–62 (2023)

Let’s Brainstorm: Personalized Chatbot Prototype as Creativity Partner in Idea Crowdsourcing Platforms
Author: Sana Hassan Imam, Rolf Drechsler
Conference: Diginomics Summer Conference
Pdf | Reference: Bremen, Germany, 2024

How Can Generative AI Curate the User Creativity on an Idea Crowdsourcing Platform?
Author: Sana Hassan Imam, Christopher Alexander Metz, Rolf Drechsler
Workshop: ACM CHI 24 workshop on Generative AI in User-Generated Content
Reference: Hawaii & Virtual, 2024

Classifying Crowdsouring Platform Users’ Engagement Behaviour using Machine Learning and XAI
Author: Sana Hassan Imam, Christopher Metz, Lars Hornuf, Rolf Drechsler
Workshop: Workshop on User-Centered Artificial Intelligence (UCAI'23)
Pdf | Reference: Rapperswil, Switzerland, 2023

Feature Importance and Extensibility for Predicting Loan Defaults in Marketplace Lending using BiLSTM
Author: Sana Hassan Imam, Sebastian Huhn, Lars Hornuf, Rolf Drechsler
Workshop: Frontiers of Factor Investing Conference (FoFi)
Reference: Lancaster, UK, 2022

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