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Group of Computer Architecture / AGRA | Computer Science | Faculty 03 | University of Bremen

Master Thesis

Dear interested parties,

ChipIn our working group, it has proven successfully that interesting topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses are worked out in a personal dialogue. Thus, we do not offer a fixed list of predefined topics.

Please do not hesitate to contact us personally, by phone or email to arrange an appointment to discuss a potential topic.

Possible thesis topics include:
  • Design methodology for quantum computers
  • Formal verification of processors
  • Approximate computing in arithmetic circuits
  • Test pattern generation for integrated circuits
  • Application of neural networks in circuit design
  • ...
To get an idea of the broad spectrum of the topics, the already completed theses are listed below:

Master 2024
Caroline DominikEmbedding Sequential Circuits for their Polynomial Formal Verification
Jan Patrick HeineDer Einfluss von Backbone-Architekturen auf eine merkmalsbasierte Motiverkennung zur automatisierten Optimierung von Bilddatensätzen für Deep Neural Networks
Jeremy HutapeaDesign and Verification of a Configurable PWM Peripheral in RTL using SpinalHDL
Karl Aaron RudkowskiVerification of SystemC RTL Peripherals using Symbolic Execution
Kristoffer WellerVisualization of Symbolic Execution Combining 2D and 3D Techniques to Visualize Symbolic Program Execution-Traces


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