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Group of Computer Architecture / AGRA | Computer Science | Faculty 03 | University of Bremen

Master Thesis

Dear interested parties,

ChipIn our working group, it has proven successfully that interesting topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses are worked out in a personal dialogue. Thus, we do not offer a fixed list of predefined topics.

Please do not hesitate to contact us personally, by phone or email to arrange an appointment to discuss a potential topic.

Possible thesis topics include:
  • Design methodology for quantum computers
  • Formal verification of processors
  • Approximate computing in arithmetic circuits
  • Test pattern generation for integrated circuits
  • Application of neural networks in circuit design
  • ...
To get an idea of the broad spectrum of the topics, the already completed theses are listed below:

Jan CarstensTestmustergenerierung durch Kombination Boolescher BeweiserDiplom
Jannes Dinse System-on-Chip Entwurf eines RISC mit einem FPGA Diplom
Hristina FidanoskaComplete Algorithms for Solving the Boolean Satisfaiablitity ProblemBachelor
Alexander FinderHeuristische Verfahren zur Logiksynthese für Pseudo Kronecker AusdrückeDiplom
Manuel FriebusVisualisierung von SystemC auf SystemebeneDiplom
Markus GroßCo-Simulation von SystemC-Modellen unterschiedlicher AbstraktionsebenenBachelor
Finn HaedickeConstraint gesteuerte pseudo-zufällige Stimuli-Erzeugung basierend auf SMT-BeweisernDiplom
Hoang M. LeFormal Verification of abstract SystemC designs via Bounded Model CheckingDiplom
Andreas SchröderEntwicklung eines Synthese-Verfahrens für SystemC-BeschreibungenBachelor
Olaf von der AheFormale Verifikation von sequentiellen Schaltkreisen mittels QBF-BeweisernDiplom
Hongyan ZhangModellierung, Validation und Verifikation der SIMATIC S5 CPUDiplom


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