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Group of Computer Architecture / AGRA | Computer Science | Faculty 03 | University of Bremen

Master Thesis

Dear interested parties,

ChipIn our working group, it has proven successfully that interesting topics for Bachelor's and Master's theses are worked out in a personal dialogue. Thus, we do not offer a fixed list of predefined topics.

Please do not hesitate to contact us personally, by phone or email to arrange an appointment to discuss a potential topic.

Possible thesis topics include:
  • Design methodology for quantum computers
  • Formal verification of processors
  • Approximate computing in arithmetic circuits
  • Test pattern generation for integrated circuits
  • Application of neural networks in circuit design
  • ...
To get an idea of the broad spectrum of the topics, the already completed theses are listed below:

Fawad AhmedErweiterung und Evaluation von Kodierungen des All-Different-Constraints in SAT Master
Fabian Lukas BlankenImplementierung und Verifikation eines Anmeldevorgangs für eine Java Webanwendung Master
Torben EbermannHyPA: Ein hybrides PTX Analyse Programm für die Design Space Exploration von GPGPU ApplikationenBachelor
Nils FriedrichsSystemC Benchmark for High-Level Synthesis (SC-HLS)Bachelor
Jonas GeschonkeAutomatisierte Visualisierung von Daten in einer Web-Applikation auf Basis explorativer DatenanalyseBachelor
Steffen JanßenGüte- und effizienzbasierte Performanz unterschiedlicher bio-inspirierter Verfahren auf klassischen OptimierungsproblemenBachelor
Wilhelm JochimSupporting Bluetooth Low Energy Keyboards in Environments without a Bluetooth StackBachelor
Kateryna SieraiaPolynomial Formal Verification of a Generalized Conditional Sum Adder Bachelor


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